Applications: 5. Rejects: 5 (!). Successful applications due for payment: 10(hooray!). Cups of coffee: 0. Smug feelings: 174.
Major meeting this morning, at which I enjoyed being thoroughly well-prepared and Swiss-watch efficient, providing a range of concise and useful papers right on cue. Box files are great - and mine was flipping open and shut discreetly yet authoritatively throughout the meeting. Brilliant.
Don't doubt for a moment that I know what a hard time fundraisers have putting applications together. But spare a thought for us as we try to keep track of you all and what you're saying to us!
Anyway, lest I've sounded like a bit of a grumpy old eeyore so far, let me share with you what the absolute bestest part of my job is. It's giving away money - to those who've successfully run the gauntlet of my stress and the Trustees' pecadillos. Tomorrow I hope to be able to notify a batch of successful applicants that their applications have been approved, and that their grant payment will be on its way soon. I hope perhaps that some of the applicants might let me come and see what they've been up to. That's the bestest bestest part of the job.
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